Lowest cost energy supply possible
1. The reason why thorium molten salt reactor can realize low-cost power generation
(1) Low-cost thorium can be used as nuclear fuel, only necessary nuclear fuel is used, no nuclear fuel remains unburned unlike light water reactors, and there is no need to process nuclear fuel into fuel assemblies, so fuel costs can be kept low. increase.
(2) It does not generate unburned spent nuclear fuel and emits little high-level nuclear waste, so the costs for waste reprocessing and nuclear waste disposal can be reduced.
(3) A high rate of operation can be achieved because fuel replacement is unnecessary and long-term continuous operation is possible.
(4) Construction and operating costs can be kept low due to the simple structure and control mechanism of the reactor.
2. Cost comparison between thorium molten salt reactor and other power generation methods
The power generation cost estimated by TTS in the conceptual design of a 25,000 kW class ultra-small molten salt reactor in FY2021 is approximately 6 JPN/kWh. Based on this figure, the power generation cost of a 200,000 kW class small molten salt reactor is estimated to be approximately 5 JPN/kWh, considering the effect of scale. In the future, the cost will be reduced to 4 yen/kWh or less through technological development. also come into view.
This value is overwhelmingly lower than any power generation cost in the 2030 model plant trial calculation results conducted by the Power Generation Cost Working Group of the Agency for Natural Resources and Energy.