Kazuo Furukawa
Memories of Dr. Kazuo Furukawa
Kazuo Furukawa passed away from cancer on December 14, 2011. Kazuo has devoted himself to the research and education of Thorium Molten Salt Reactor (MSR), especially after the March 2011 accident at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, and has given many lectures. I have devoted the last half of my life to this MSR and the thorium energy system because the MSR is much safer from multiple perspectives. For more than 50 years, we have pursued the realization of MSR. The quest for better energy must be realized by our friends and us. I believe that Kazuo’s dream of a thorium energy system will be realized in the near future. You can read messages from your friends.
Commentary paper
50 Years of Pursuing Energy Technological Innovation -Nuclear Proliferation-Free Liquid Fuel Thorium Molten Salt Reactor- (Japanese)
Kazuo Furukawa
This paper is based on an open lecture held at Tokai University in 2009. 10 pages.
Effective Recommendations for Nuclear Nonproliferation (Japanese)
Kazuo Furukawa
This paper won the 22nd Eisaku Sato Memorial Award in 2005. 15 pages.
In Search of an Ideal Nuclear Energy Utilization System – Thorium Molten Salt Nuclear Energy Collaborative System – (Japanese)
Kazuo Furukawa, Yoshio Kato
This is a commentary paper published in 2002 for Volume 57 of the Physical Society of Japan. 9 pages.
New Sustainable Secure Nuclear Industry Based on Thorium Molten-Salt Nuclear Energy Synergetics (THORIMS-NES)
This is a freely available book published in 2011 on nuclear energy. The THORIMS-NES chapter was written by Kazuo. 38 pages.
A road map for the realization of global-scale thorium breeding fuel cycle by single molten-fluoride flow
Kazuo Furukawa et al. (英文)これは ICENES2007 (13th International Conference on Emerging Nuclear Energy Systems) という
トルコで開催された国際会議で発表した論文です。17 頁。
In addition, many explanations can be found on the Internet by combining Kazuo Furukawa or K. Furukawa with JAERI, Tokai University, ITMSF, Molten Salt Furnace, etc.
Video of lecture
Nuclear Safety Revolution: Thorium, Liquid Fuels, Miniaturization (Japanese, video and slides, first 15 minutes)
Nuclear Safety Revolution: Thorium, Liquid fuel, Miniaturization (Japanese, video, 60 minutes)
One hour lecture at Energy Policy Forum
Nuclear Safety Revolution – The Road to Thorium Nuclear Power Plant (Japanese, Sakura Channel
, 45 minutes)(2011.8.31)

Nuclear Safety Revolution (Bunshun Shinsho)
A guide explaining how small plants using thorium liquid fuel can save our world.
Activities following Kazuo Furukawa
Kazuo Furukawa has led several organizations in the past. At least two organizations are operating under new leadership.
NPO Thorium Molten Salt International Forum President: Mikiyasu Kinoshita
Thorium Tech Solution President: Masaaki Furukawa
The dream path pursued by Kazuo Furukawa will be opened up by new generations through friendly rivalry.